
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Tips For Guys On What To Wear On a First Date

Only if anyone knew what their first date would be like, they would plan and make it an “All Perfect” day. The fact however is that the first date is always like playing a lottery; you don’t know what is going to happen and you don’t know what might be impressive. While a girl always knows what clothes to wear, what accessories to put up and exactly what bag to carry, here are a few fashion tips for guys for their first date. So, guys, put up your best foot forward because you only have one impression to cast.
  • Don’t Wear a Suit: She would love to see that you made some efforts to dress for her. Do not turn to your first date in a three piece suit. Whether or not you had time to change after your office, a three piece suit is strictly office attire. Save all of these for the weddings and your boardroom sagas. Dressing formal can impress her but not dressing in a tuxedo, you would obviously not take her to a nearby lounge all decked up in one. So, do not look up at that part of your closet where you stack up all your formal attire and wear something casual for your first date.

  • Cologne: Do not bathe in it! As the old adage goes, “Your woman would like to dance on your perfume and not drown in it”, apply a perfume like it should, just like a perfume. If you are thinking that more the fragrance, more the attraction, then please RETHINK! A little fragrance would be classy and loads of it would only denote arrogance.
  • Get Grooming: No girl would get impressed by an unkept and unshaven guy. We are not promoting anything else except being clean and hygienic here!
  • Blazer: It’s good that you have finally decided to give your office attire a rest but still if you are looking for a bit of formal look, then hop on a blazer on your denims. Not a black blazer at all. Try on w white, red, blue or beige blazer and dress to make an impression.
  • Colors: Let your first tryst with your dream girl go colourful. Try and incorporate colours in your outfit. Whether it’s your shirt, your denims, your blazer or your shoes, try and get colors in them. Girls, do not like boring clothing. Monochrome can be great for a ballroom party but let your colourful side take over you on your first date.
  • Smile: This is the most important accessory that you need to wear on your first date. Smile and carve out a great life together.
While you are preparing for your first date, I am sure our tips would come handy to you. If you have any trouble in deciding what to wear, have a look at our casual collection.

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